Carmen Aleman

Carmen Alemán is a visual artist living in London. 

Her work uses different media including photography, film, installation and performance. She has worked on a number of community projects, art residencies and curatorial collaborations, exhibiting her work both in U.K. and abroad. 

Her main area of interest, and the focus of her current work, is women’s rights. This refers to the position and means of expression of women, both socially and politically; from identity, power and sexuality to their fight for gender equality. Her current work is an exploration of violence against women (VAW) in an ongoing body of work that explores the themes of power, gender inequality, entrapment, repetition and transformation.

Carmen currently works as a senior lecturer in photography at the University of East London. She has recently finished her Professional Doctorate in Fine Art on the topic of violence against women.


What Do We Do with The Numbers? – 2019 – Performance

What Do We Do with The Numbers?… is a performance about the number of women who suffer male violence. It reveals true statistics in stark numbers about violence against women.

The performance addresses and questions how violence against women is normalised and accepted. Only when we stop and listen to the facts and figures can we realise the tragic reality and resolve to find an answer.  

The figures are collected from several sources, such as United Nations, World Health Organization, Refuge UK, Amnesty International and several other verified news reports.  

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