Women’s History Month in East London  1-31 March 2018 

www.alternativearts.co.uk  for full programme

Supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund, Tower Hamlets Council , Alternative Arts and all the artists and venues participating.


March 1

Celebrating Women photography exhibition. Opening Night 7pm Everyone welcome, runs until 31 March. Open daily 8am – 6pm St Margaret’s  House E2 9PL www.stmargaretshouse.org.uk .

Louise Ashcroft – Unperforming 7.30pm Toynbee Studios E1 6AB www.artsadmin.co.uk.

AWAN- Arab Women Artists Now- Festival Exhibition opens 7pm Rich Mix E1 6LA www.richmix.org.uk

Woman Up  1-31 March Tues-Sun 10am-6pm East End Prints E2 7EB  www.eastendprints.co.uk

Sandwich exhibition 1-31 March Thurs-Sat 10am-6pm 4Cose Shop E2 9DG www.4cose.co.u k

Rachel Thomas:Rout  1-31 March Mon-Sat 10am-4pm The Old Baths E9 5JH www.theoldbaths.co.uk

First Thursdays Tour of exhibitions by women artists Bus 6pm or map for walking and Collage and the Everyday talk 7pm Whitechapel Gallery E1 7QX www.whitechapelgallery.org.uk

Holding the Baby 1-31 March  exhibition Plaistow Library E13 9HL www.holdingthebaby.org

Eastside Community Heritage 1-31 March exhibitions and workshops www.hiddenhistories.org.uk

Lisa Milroy: Here and There until 8 March Tues-sat 10am-6pm Parasol Unit N1 7RW www.parasolunit.org

Cornelia Parker : One Day this Glass Will Break  until 9 March Mon-Fri 9am-3pm Brentwood Road Gallery RM1 2RR www.fboak.co.uk

Leonor Antunes : the frisson of togetherness Until 9 April Tues-Sun 11am-6pm Whitechapel Gallery E1 7QX www.whitechapelgallery.org.uk

Remarkable Women Lecture series 1-29 March Royal Museums GreenwichSE10 9NF www.rmg.co.uk

The You in Us until 25 March Wed-Sun 12-6pm Chisenhale Gallery E3 5QZ www.chisenhale.org.uk

Making Her Mark  exhibition until 19 May  Tues-Sat 10am-5.30pm Hackney Museum E8 1GQ www.hackney .gov.uk/museum

Yto Barrada: Agadir exhibition until 20 May 10am-6pm daily Barbican Centre EC2Y 8DS www.barbican.org.uk

Another Kind of Life : Photography on the Margins until 27 May 10am-6pm daily Barbican Centre EC2Y 8DS www.barbican.org.uk

Votes For Women  until 6 Jan 2019 Museum of London EC2Y 5HN www.museumoflondon.org.uk


March 2

The Yoniverse  presents’ Golden Tongue ‘ open mic night 7pm Rich Mix E1 6LA www.richmix.org.uk

The Dirty Thirty with Degenerate Fox 9pm 2&3 March  Rosemary Branch Theatre N1 3DT www.rosemarybranch.co.uk


March 3

100 Votes 100 Women 100 Dreams 3-10 March Tues-Sun 1-4pm Spitalfields City Farm E1 5AR www.spitalfieldscityfarm.org

Women of The East End from the 1980’s 3-31 March exhibition of Photographs by Raju Vaidyanathan Idea Store Canary Wharf E14 5RB and Idea Store Watney Market E1 2FB www.ideastore.co.uk

Inspirational Women – Printmaking Workshop 1-4pm Tower Hamlets Local History Library and Archives E1 4DQ www.ideastore.co.uk


March 4

Does My Bomb Look Big In This  play by Nyla Leng 7pm Rich Mix E1 6LA www.richmix.org.uk

Nari Diganta celebrate International Women’s Week 6.30pm Brady Arts Centre E1 5HU


March 5

Sarah Ainslie : East End Women At Work  photography exhibition 5-31 March Mon-Fri 8.30am-6.30pm Brady Arts Centre E1 5HU www.towerhamletsarts.gov.uk/arts

East London Suffragette Mural from 5 march by artist Jerome Davenport. Lord Morpeth pub wall E3 5NR www.lordmorpeth.co.uk  www.blankwalls.com.au

Sport4Women 5-11 March www.towerhamlets.gov.uk/sports

Black Women’s Health and Family Support Celebrations 5 & 6 March 11am-2pm each day  E2  9LU www.bwhafs@btconnect.com


March 6

Threads : 44 Artists from across the Globe 6-11 March 2-7pm daily Espacio Gallery E2 7DG www.espaciogallery.com

Herstory 11am-2pm St Hilda’s East Boundary Women’s Project E2 7EY www.sthildas.org.uk

Our Voice Our Vote 11am-2pm St Peter’s Community Wellbeing Project E2 9AX


March 7

Moving the Goalposts  Girls On Film discuss women’s team sports and screen @Bend It Like Beckham 7.30pm Rich Mix E1 6LA www.richmix.org.uk

Vanessa Short ; Pit house to Politics photography exhibition 7-17 March 11am-6pm daily Four Corners Gallery E2 0QN www.fourcornersfilm.co.uk

Women’s Voices Now Film Online Film Festival 7 March-5 April www.womensvoicesnow.org

Human Rights Watch Film Festival  London 7 – 16 March  http://ff.hrw.org



WORLDwrite  Freedom Breakfast 10am Clapton Table Café E5 8EG, Film Screening ‘Sylvia Pankhurst;Everything is Possible’ 2pm Castle Cinema E9 6DA ,Tea Party 6pm & Suffragettes Then and Now  discussion 7.30pm at Worldwrite E5 5AL Book at www.worldbytes.org

Insular Orchestra  7.30pm  Barbican Centre EC2Y 8DS  www.barbican.org.uk

Women and Feminist History  Archives Tour 6.30pm Bishopsgate Institute EC2M 4QH www.bishopsgate.org.uk

Diana Krilova : Visual Diary of a Mother  8-10 March 12-6pm daily 5th Base Gallery E1 5LJ www.5thbase.co.uk

Threads   Performance, Talks, Poetry, Music, 2-7pm Espacio Gallery E2 7DG www.espaciogallery.com

The Hidden Heroine opening night 5-8pm Cass Alcove Gallery E1 7NT www.londonmet.ac.uk

Sister Suffragette City with Marianne Hyatt & Delila Black 6pm Reel Rebels Radio N16 0AE  www.reelrebelsradio.com

Juliana Yazbeck launches her debut album ‘Sungod’ 8pm Rich Mix E1 6LA www.richmix.org.uk

Sheroes exhibition opens 6-9pm, Fri &Sat 10am-9pm, sun 10am-5pm Ugly Duck SE1 3PL www.whoisyourhero.com   www.lon-art.org.uk

Gillian Lawrence: Ragworks 1.50-3pm jenny Hammond Primary School E11 3JH www.upyourstreet.wordpress.com

Celebrating the East London Federation of Suffragettes 11am-3pm Limehouse Project E14 7GH www.limehouseproject.org.uk

Indian Suffragettes talk by Julie Begum  $pm Idea Store Whitechapel E1 1BU www.swadhinata.org.uk


March 9

Blow the Fuse with Barb Jungr & Solar Flares 7.45pm St Mary’s Old Church N16 9ES www.blowthefuse.com

The Hidden Heroine 9-23 March  Mon-Sat 11am-5pm Sir John Cass School of Art, Architecture & Design E1 7NT www.londonmet.ac.uk

A Journey from Dash to Dignata /Saudha Society 6.30pm Poplar Union E14 6TL www.poplarunion.com

Today’s Suffragettes 12-3pm Neighbours in Poplar ,St Matthias Community Centre E14 0AE www.neighboursinpoplar.com


March 10

AWAN-Arab Women Artists Now-Festival  from 12noon with workshops,music, writers,performers,spoken word,visual arts and film. Rich Mix E1 6LA www.richmix.org.uk

Leonora Cohen – The Tower Suffragette workshop led by Becci Kenning 11am-4pm Tower of London EC3N 4AB www.hrp.uk/tower-of-london

Freshwater Theatre Co children’s workshop 11am-12pm Feminism in Theatre adult workshop 2-3.30pm Poplar Union E14 6TL www.poplarunion.com

Celebrating Bengali Women in Britain 2-5pm Udichi Shilpi Gosthi, Kobi Nazrul Centre E1 www.udichiuk.org

Rising 4-6pm Account 3 E2 6JY www.account3.org.uk

Be Inspired to Vote 7-10pm Somali Integration Team  E1 %QN www.somaliteam.org

So… What Is It Like To Be A Woman? Workshop with Christina Simpson 2-4pm Idea Store Chrisp Street E14  6BT www.ideastore.co.uk


March 11  MOTHER’S DAY

AWAN-Arab Women Artists Now- Shorts Festival  screenings from 12noon Rich Mix E1 6LA www.richmix.org.uk

Writing Masala Monologues with Sangeeta Pillai 1.30-3.30pm Poplar Union E14 6TL www.poplarunion.com

Women Dancing Workshop 11.15am-1.15pm Idea Store Whitechapel E1 3BU with performances on 17 March  at the Idea Store Whitechapel at 1.30pm and the Idea Store Bow at 3.30pm www.ideastore.co.uk


March 12

Two Pale Ladies  scratch night with new performers 7.30pm Rosemary Branch Theatre N1 3DT www.rosemarybranch.co.uk


March 13

Paris Lees in conversation with Phyll Opoku-Gyimah  7pm Bishopsgate Institute EC2M 4QH www.bishopsgate.org.uk

Female Parts : The Shorts 3 short monologues 13-31 March Tues-Fri 7.30pm Sats 2.30 & 7.30pm Hoxton Hall N1 6SH www.hoxtonhall.co.uk                                                                                                                                                                                  

Why Women Will Save The Planet 6.30-9.30pm Women’s Environmental  Network & Friends of the Earth. Amnesty International UK Human Rights Action Centre EC2A 3EA www.wen.org.uk  


March 14

Woman: A Manifesto 1pm & 5.30pm with We Are Here Artists Collective. The Women’s Library @LSE WC2A 2HD  www.lse.ac.uk/suffrage

Feminist Publishing since the 60s 7pm The Feminist Library SE1 7XW www.feministlibrary.co.uk

Behind Every Great Woman group exhibition 14-18 March Brentwood Road Gallery RM1 2RR www.fbaok.co.uk

Mulberry School for Girls Celebration 10am-6pm Mulberry and Bigland Green Centre E1 2JP www.Mbgc.co.uk


March 15

Positive East – Lesbian ,Bisexual,& Transwomen Health Week  6-8pm with Women Sing East. East London Out Project E1 4AQ www.elop.org.uk

Woman Up  special open night 6-9pm East End Prints E2 7EB www.eastendprints.co.uk

Abortion Wars:The Fight for Reproductive Rights 7pm talk by author Judith Orr Idea Store Watney Market E1 2FB  www.ideastore.co.uk

GET INVOLVED Come to the DROP IN event and find out more about The Women’s Hall project celebrating the East London Federation of Suffragettes taking place from May to December2018. 4-8pm Tower Hamlets Local History and Archives E1 4DQ www.ideastore.co.ok


March 17

The Fight For Representation Archives Course 11am-4pm Bishopsgate  Institute EC2M 4QH www.bishopsgate.org.uk

Female Subjectivity open group critique with Alicia Paz 2pm Chisenhale Arts Place E3 5QZ www.chisenhale.org.uk

From Pit house to Politics 2pm talk with Rose Hunter & Julie Connon Mansell from North Staffordshire Women Against Pit Closures. Four Corners Gallery E2 0QN www.fourcornersfilm.co.uk

Tatty Devine  Deeds Not Words jewellery workshop 10.30am-1pm & 1.30-4pm Museum of London EC2Y 5HN www.museumoflondon.org.uk

So..What Is It Like To Be A Woman 2-4pm workshop with Christina Simpson. Idea Store Bow E3 5ES www.ideastore.co.uk


March 18

Iconic Calligraphy Workshop 1-3pm Poplar Union E14 6TL www.poplarunion.com


March 19

Sylvia Pankhurst: Everything Is Possible  Film screening 6.30pm Idea Store Watney Market E1 2FB www.ideastore.co.uk


March 20

East End Women’s Institute 7pm Women in Politics talk by Meg Hillier MP for Hackney South . St Margaret’s House E2 9PL www.stmargaretshouse.org.uk

Soroptomists International East London meeting 7.15pm.Woodford Memorial Hall E18 2PA www.facebook.com/SIEastLondon

Menstrual Man 6.30pm  Film screening in partnership with the Women’s Environmental Network .  Idea Store Whitechapel E1 3BU www.ideastore.co.uk


March 21

From Gentlemen Traders to Feminist Squatters: Housing and Urban Change around  London Fields. 7pm talk Bishopsgate Institute EC2M 4QH www.bishopsgate.org.uk

The Suffragettes talk by Beverley Cook 2pm Wanstead Library E11 2RG www.redbridge.gov.uk


March 22

WOMEN IN PARLIAMENT : 100 Years On  7pm Panel Discussion with Dawn Baker MP, Hannah Bardell MP, Catherine Mayer-Women’s Equality Party, chaired by Fatima Manji-Channel 4 News Correspondent. Bishopsgate Institute EC2M 4QH  www.bishopsgate.org.uk                                                                          

High Street Seniors Walk Remarkable Women 5-7pm Forest Gate E7 0EG www.upyourstreet.wordpress.com

Marcia Farquhar: Mabin1968 7.30pm Toynbee Studios E1 6AB www.artsadmin.co.uk


March 23

Lives Revealed: Who were the suffrage artists? with Elizabeth Crawford 6.30pm Women’s Library@the LSE/Wolfson Theatre WC2A 3LJ www.lse.ac.uk/suffrage 


March 24

The Suffrage Legacy  Panel discussion with Beverley Cook, Elizabeth Crawford, June Purvis, Di Atkinson, Caitlin Davies 2-5pm Museum of London EC2Y 5HN www.museumoflondon.org.uk

Senior Women on Settees 2-3pm with Gillian Muir in Leyton. www.upyourstreet.wordpress.com

Why Should Women Write? Workshop 10am-1pm

Sylvia Pankhurst: Suffragette,Socialist,Scourge of the Empire  2-4pm Talk by author Katherine Connolly Idea Store Bow E3 5ES www.ideastore.co.uk


March 25

Women’s Movement Walk  2pm  Museum of London EC2Y 5HN www.museumoflondon.org.uk


March 28

Sister Solidarity : Writing and Researching  Women’s Histories 7pm Bishopsgate Institute EC2M 4QH www.bishopsgate.org.uk


March 29

Mohila Ongon Association celebrate Changemakers. 11am-3pm Osmani Centre E1 5AW

The Inking Woman : 250 Years of Women Cartoon Artists in Britain  6.30pm  talk by authors Nicola Streeton and Cath Tate. Idea Store Whitechapel E1 3BU www.ideastore.co.uk



April 13 & 14

Smile Darling a new production by the Arcola Women’s Group. Arcola Theatre E8 3DL  www.arcolatheatre.com


April 18-21

 Nevertheless She Persisted Suffrage ,Cinema and Beyond. A season of feature films and documentaries highlighting women’s fight for equality and influence and for their voices to be heard. Barbican Centre EC2Y 8DS  www.barbican.org.uk

The Women’s History Month Programme is co-ordinated by Alternative Arts     info@alternativearts.co.uk      www.alternativearts.co.uk








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